Friday 11 March 2011


Sarah, the director, draw up to storyboard for our music video. This involved both the performance and narrative.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

DVD cover research

For the last part of our coursework, we need to create a DVD cover for our band. I have looked at bands of a similar genre in order to get a better idea of what needs to be involved to produce an effect cover. It is important to look at bands of a similar genre as their type of music needs to be clear from the DVD, and we can gain ideas of what is used in order to reflect this.

Oasis used a very busy, and similar pictures for both the front and back of their DVD. It isolates two of the members, suggesting two leaders within the band. The body language, sunglasses and clothing worn by the members are very relaxed and suggests a relatable notion. The DVD is clearly based around their New York tour, as it is clearly written, and has a background of New York City  behind the band on both the front and back pictures. This suggests that the band has made a success internationally, promoting a accomplished band.
The name of the band is a prominent feature on the cover. They use the outlined name in a large font, which appears both on the front and back of the DVD. On the front the band name is printed three times, making the name and two main members of the band bold and stand out in their audience's memory. The use of the band name logo written in bold white with a white box around it on the front and spine of the DVD is a bold statement and makes them stand out to their current fans. It is good to have both the logo and the large font as it attracks music fans by standing out with the larger font, but also draws those current fans with the recognision on their logo.
The black background for the DVD covers, front and back, is highly effective as it makes the writing and pictures on top really stand out. The white writing of the band name and the songs on the back jump out at the observer, enouraging them to read on. The is made very clear due to the colour scheme, which is of upmost importance when promoting a band and their new songs. The pictures of the band on the front and back are also enhanced back having such a plain, dark background, as the colours and figures of the members and their backdrop stands out with ease.

The colour scheme for the Kings of Leon's DVD are highly vivid and bold. This eye catching element is a excellent promotional tool as very few people would be able to miss or skim over it. The black background achieves the same success as it does in the Oasis DVD, as the red and orange of the pictures emphasise the band members for the audience. Their faces are highlighted by the orange and red light, an effective tool in making them memorable for the audience. The same effect is made on the back  as the necessary writing is bold and clear. The orange and red colour scheme is representative of heat and fire, a unique image for the band, suggesting they are 'hot' as they have a new tour and album.
Similar to Oasis, the name of the band is outlined on the front cover. This is highly effective against the black background, as it creates and red and black recognisable name. The fonts style of the name is the same when the Kings of Leon is repeated, creating a current theme and image for the band.  Their logo is also on the spine which once again creates a recognisable element for their fans and the music audience.
The songs on the back are written in white and uses the largest font size, which is a good promotional device, creating clarifity and making them stand out in the audience's memory.
The pictures on the back of the back actually in performance forms a sense of reality and promoting their live performance.  There is a slight order of importance in the one picture on the back of the four members together.

The font used for Stereophonics is recognisable and typically used for the band. It is the only element on the cover which uses black font. This makes it stand out against the white background other the rest of the colour scheme.The front is given depth through the sketched high rise buildings
 There are a number of different colours involved in the cover, purple being the most notable.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Production schedule

As i am taking on role of producer and director and this is a lot of work i asked team member Lucy to do the risk assessment for the production schedule then i did the rest.

Our location is Mandeville hall in Kimbolton near Huntingdon it has parking facilities and kitchen facilities for us to use along with toilets.
Full address
Thrapston Road
PE28 0HW

 The Day


Producer (myself) will drive to Foulksworth to pick up Lucy then to Alconbury for Helen we will then make our way to the location that is Kimbolton mediville hall.

The group will prepare the location for the arrival of the band practical things prepare heating etc and the mise-en-scene such as the curtains and any other props we shall use.

Tests of all the equipment and go through the production schedule and make sure the band and the crew know what they are doing. Clear all of the decisions made with the band.

Film the first take of the song in full on pure freestyle performance not to the storyboard to ensure we have enough spare footage.

The first 5-6 shots done twice over this includes the close up and the zoom which we will probably repeat more times.

Lunch break for everyone and again ensure everyone is sure on what they are doing.

Done all the shots on the storyboard at least once.

Make sure we have all storyboarded shots 2-3 times and film the song fully changing the camera angles from the previous run through.

Run through the song as many times as we can to feel comfortable with the amount of footage we have.


Pack up all equipment and clean around if we have made mess hand the key over and go.

Useful Numbers
Emergency Services
St Neots Police Station                                 03454 564564                                     7.2 miles
Huntingdon police station                           03454 564564                                     8.8 miles             
St Neots Fire Station                                      01480 474601                                     7.1 miles
Event paramedics                                            01480 271030                                     9.3 miles

Important people
Producer/director                                           Sarah Matthews                              07596088400
Technical                                                           Lucy Rosbrook                                07516873847     
Design                                                               Helen Pearman                                07720390661
Band Representative                                     Tim Walpole                     07525193565 /01954710365
Media teacher                                                Brendan Sheppard                         
Media Teacher                                                 Alexia Smith                     
Hall owners                                                        Sally                                                      01480861877

Risk Assessment

Who’s Exposed
Control Measures
Wires on the floor for lights and cameras etc.
Crew and band
Tidy wires- duct tape them to the floor- keep them ordered.
Lights- get very hot
Crew and band
Wear gloves when assembling and adjusting them. Make sure they are set up correctly
Falling off the stage
Band and crew
Creating a line where people aren’t allowed to cross. Putting amps at the front of the stage, so there is a clear barrier.
Very Low
Electric shock
Band and crew
Keep water away from the equipment. Make sure there are power breakers attached to the lights.
Very Low
Band and crew
Locate fire exits and fire extinguishers. Don’t use the cooker.
Very Low
Trip hazard- stairs and uneven ground
Band and crew
Take extra caution when walking around and take notice of signs saying ‘mind the step’
Objects falling
Band and crew
Make sure the band and crew are aware of their surroundings and everything is set up safely.

Risk Matrix
Likelihood of Harm
Severity of harm
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Severe
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low

Monday 28 February 2011

Target audience questionnaire

How old are you? (tick the following which applied to you)

10 or under

What genre do you listen to the most?

Other (name below)

What attracts you to a new band?

Particular and members
Their logo
Other (name below)

Do the clothes that the artists/band wear influence your fashion?


Do you prefer bands which write their own songs appeal over cover band?
No preference 

How important is the bands interaction with one another ?

Not at all
Other (name below)

How important is the bands interactions with their audience?

Not at all
Other (name below)

Do you prefer a leader in a band?

(explain the reasons behind your answer below)

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Music video questionnaire- open ended

What is your favourite music video? Why?

Do you prefer an amplification or performance based? Why?

Do you prefer music videos with special effects? Why?

What aspects of music videos appeal to you the most? Why?

Regarding the editing, do you prefer quick or slow cuts? 

Where do you watch music videos?

Which bands have the most appealing music video? Why?

I choose to ask open ended questions for my music video research as I need to find out specific details to include in order to attract an audience. It is important to find out where people watch their music videos for promotional purposes. I also want to find out similar bands which people enjoy in order to gain inspiration and guidance.