Tuesday 23 November 2010

King of Leon

Kings of Leon's music is very similar to that of The Vee's, therefore, it would be sensible to research such bands in order to begin building on ideas for image. The Kings of Leon are a slightly younger band, however, their casual attire matches that of The Vee's tastes. Although they would like to convey a fun and casual, jeans and t shirt look, we do not want them to look unprofessional or scruffy, and I found that Kings of Leon portray this very well.

The Kings of Leon are relaying a highly laid back attitude in this image. Their attire, although not formal, it's still smart. They are able to simply wear jeans and a t shirt, whilst presented a strong image. The colour coordination is a contributing factor as reflects the idea of unity, but their individual style conveying a sense of a unique identity for each member.
Their attire is also based on their target audience, and what would appeal to them. This applies to The Vees, with such a wide target audience, the dress code can be a difficult aspect to create. Therefore, my studies bands with a similar target market, we gain a better idea of what would appeal to a section of the audience.

Monday 22 November 2010

Band research

Paul Weller 
The Vee's have previously covered for artists such as Paul Weller, with the focus on mod/punk rock. His music has clearly influenced the bad, therefore, I believed it to be beneficial to began researching to collate ideas for band image and videos.

Target audience 
Paul Weller was involved in the band 'The Jam' in 1976, until 1982, which followed the mod/punk rock genre. This targeted males ranging from the age of eighteen, possibly to late thirties. Therefore, then he became a solo artist, many of the fans of the band would have followed Paul Weller, giving a good idea of the target audience. However, this audience would now be older as he was re established much later, in 1991. Therefore, the target audience now would be people around his age, approximately late forties to sixty years of age. This coincides with the Vee's pub-based audience, which ranges from eighteen, up to possibly late sixties.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Meeting the band- The Vees

The Vees
16/11/10- We met Tim, a member of The Vees, for the first time. We were able to ask him any questions and discuss further ideas for the music video itself.
Some of the questions I asked;

- Who is the target audience? Why?
- Where will your band be marketed? How will this marketing appeal to the target audience?
- What's the bands 'image'
- What will the public profile be?

Four piece band- Wolfie; vocals, Keith Mason; guitar, Martin Ryan; bass, Tim Walpole; guitar
Target audience; pub goers- anyone ranging from the ages of 18+
The Vees have a website to market the band. They also have a logo which can be modernised. They suggested press packages and demo's. 
Enjoyment aspect their main aim. Only a part-time job. 
Genre; Rock. Have previously covered bands such as Elvis Costello, Paul Weller and Feeder
Wolfie, the lead singer, has written the song which we will use; "Don't Matter." This can be found on their Website and Facebook.

Music video- amplification; fun, part narrative, simple but classy.  Perhaps based outside?