Monday 14 February 2011

Editing the main production

Whilst I edited the behind the scenes, Sarah and Lucy began to edit the main production. I believe they edited roughly the first fifty seconds of the song. Once I had completed the behind the scenes, I started helping to edit the main production.

I liked the variety of shots that the girls included, however, after looking through the footage, I believe that we should have taken more footage of Wolfie from more angles. I found the reocurring shot of a low angle of him. I suggested possibly adding in more of a variety, if we were able to find them. I also thought that the shots of the band performaning may be too long when compared to those of the narrative. We need to remember that we are trying to tell a story, as well as publicise the band, therefore, the placement of the shots are vital, as if the insuring that they are long enough for the audience to understand and follow the story.

We asked Mr Sheppard to have a look and get some feedback on what has been done so far. He was confused by the ordering of the narrative. I understood this, as there did not appear to be a particular order, for example, chronological. He also advised we revisit the lip syncing. Lucy and I therefore took all the narrative out and discussed what order should take place. I suggested starting with the arguing shots, and then introducing the happy thoughts after the shot where the individual is alone and thinking. It could be a flashback thought to the happier days, a reflection upon how far they have fallen since. We therefore chose the right shots and re order them into this placement. We got positive feedback on this change, which was greatly encouraging.

We decided to use a fade in order to make a smooth transition into the flash backs to a happier time in the narrative. It was important to use a transition so that the narrative order would be more clear to the audience. We placed these happier scenes after the shots of the individuals alone and thinking in their rooms, and by inserting a fade it would co inside with the nostalgic notion, almost a dreamy effect.

Black and White
We used a black and white light effect to make it easier to distinguish the two different parts to the narrative. We decided to adopt the black and white effect for the memories as it represents something old, a time which is in the past and is not coming back.

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