Tuesday 1 February 2011

Editing the behind the scenes

I imported all the behind the scenes footage onto one computer, while Lucy and Sarah imported the main footage onto another one. This way, I was able to start editing all the behind the scenes, whilst the other two focused on starting the editing for the main product. Firstly, I am focusing on the interview. After discussing the format, I believe we should put the questions onto the screen before showing the band answering said question. This is a clear way of presenting the questions and answers, rather than showing us asking the questions directly.

I have started the editing processes by watching the whole interview through and cutting all the clear and relevant questions together, as a starting point. Whilst watching, I wrote down all the questions, in order to be able to show these questions before the given answers. There should be some order to the interview, therefore, I went through all the questions and put all the similar themed ones together. I waited until the end of the editing processes before place them in the intended order.

After cutting all the answers and placing them in the timeline, I have started to create a title page, by going to 'new title', then selecting 'still role'.

I looked at behind the scenes of a Taylor Swift's music videos, such as, 'Mine' and 'Tear Drops on My Guitar' in order to gain inspiration for our behind the scenes. In both, the interview dominated, however, whilst the interview was shown, they imported footage of the actors behind the scenes. The interview was effective as the audience was able to gain a greater understanding of the band itself, as well as the individual members. I think it is vital to include the interview's so that The Vees' can start to build on there fan base, as they convey their view on music, the industry and their persoanl goals.
The behind the scenes is important in creating a sense of reality. It will allow the audience to be able to relate to the band on a greater level as they able watch their interactions and personality shining through.

I decided I would subtly add the behind the scenes whilst the interview is taking place. When a particular band member is talking, I could cut to a shot which focus's on them in particular. Also, when the band is talking about a particular topic which may fit in with the footage of them practicing or joking with one another. We want to be able to convey their personalities and love for music to the audience.

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