Wednesday 15 December 2010

Meeting with the band

Bethany, Lucy and I met with one of the band members, Keith. This was a very beneficial session as we were able to discussion the song in more detail. Unfortunely, due to the theme and lyrics of the song being based around a break up, we will be unable to produce a 'fun' music video, which was originally discussed.

We were able to gather and develop our ideals for the narrative section of our video. For example;
The first verse is about a frustrating conversation on the phone between a couple; therefore, we could use this for our split screen idea, where by we would show the couple in different locations, on the phone to each other, conveying the appropriate emotion.

We discussed and confirmed the weekend of the 22nd January for the filming date with both the band and our teacher as it would involve a slight extension. The band are unable to make any early dates.

We told Keith about our idea of an amplification video, which he appeared happy with. We asked if Wolfie would be interested in taking part in our narrative, and he believed that he would be. As a group, we will continue brainstorming this narrative and decide on an appropriate character.

I was also able to show him my ideas for the logo design. He gave positive feedback, liking how I have created a bolder image. He reckoned emphasising the 3D image, which I will begin to do using Adobe Photoshop.

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