Sunday 19 December 2010

Narrative notes from band meeting

Verse 1
I’ve been down these past few weeks                                 
Walking round in my sleep
When I called you tried to keep
Me from talking
But I never seem to feel
I’ve got your heart, I got your heel
Been a rock, don’t mean to deceive you

This verse is referring an argument the couple had when on the phone, and the frustration in which he felt towards her.  
Our idea for the first verse is to introduce a split screen, and have couple either side, on the phone having an argument.
It could be set in a domestic location, for example, they could be in their (separate) bedrooms, as this is the place most people would typically be when having a private conversation of this distressing nature. 
The female would be talking over her partner, the male simply looking exhausted and frustrated as she won't let him speak. 

Verse 2

Load the car and drop the hood
An autumn sun, makes me feel good
Rearview mirror see me turn
My back on your town
As the dust comes down to rest
In your yard, I must confess
I see your smile, release my devotion

For this verse we discussed using a long road, and a single car travelling down it, symbolising the journey of the couple’s relationship. I suggested we used a mid shot of the pair in the car having a disagreement and/or looking angry and upset, glancing out the window.
We could show these shots a few times throughout the duration of the video in order to represent this journey discussed. 

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