Thursday 27 January 2011

Narrative designs

For the happy scene I think the girls clothes should reflect this. For example, the use of warm and happy colours, e.g. red coat, and floral top. Simple jeans will reinforce the notion of realism. A hat could show the slightly cooler weather and the importance of staying close. When indoors, the girl could head band, reflecting the effort that she makes when around her partner, and the floral effect would reinforce the joy and girly stereotypical notion. Her clothing needs to be able to reflect her mood and passion towards her partner, another way of demonstrating the emotions within the relationship to the audience.
The clothing is very important as it represents each character, therefore, the female femininity needs to be strongly demonstrated.

The sad scenes are highly important, thereforek, her clothing needs to be a lot less bright. The colour scheme posibily black and grey. A big jumper would reflect a lack of care which the female has adopted due to the circumstances. The idea of clothes serving the purpose of comfort rather than attraction needs to be illustrated through these scenes. Plain black leggings would fulfil this idea, as would a bigger t-shirt.

For the happy scenes: colourful to represent her happiness. 

Happy scenes

Sad scenes

Sad scenes

The male outfit is less important, as the idea of the importance of fashion is cermented to a greater degree in women, especially in the media. However, the design still holds a certain importance with the male. His fashion needs to be able to reflect that of their younger male audience. Therefore, a polo top and jeans are the most sensible option. The change in moods does not need to effect the male's outfit to such an extent, however, it may need to be considered. Perhaps within the happier scenes his clothing is smarter, for example, a polo shirt, rather than the solemn scenes, where he may wear a plain t shirt instead.

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