Sunday 23 January 2011

Filming the narrative 23/1/11

We were able to get my friend who does performing arts, and one of her male piers to take part in our narrative. They arrived at eleven thirty, before Sarah and Lucy, so I was able to begin briefing them on our ideas. Sarah and Lucy arrived at eleven forty five and we gave a brief together of the detailed scenes. We set up the camera's outside and started shooting our first scene at roughly twelve fifteen.

I suggested going through all the happy scenes to start with, so the actors were able to gain a greater understanding and the of the direction of the narrative. We shot the outdoor scenes first in order to avoid any issues with the weather. The couple started off on the bench, where we set up a close up and long shot. We wanted to captured the love and emotions on their faces through the close up, as well as conveying the romance the their use of body language. We then moved on to the walking scene, using a long shot from behind, and tracking shot through the trees created a sense of being in the moment. I feel we made good use of the camera's as using two allowed us to achieve a number of different shots whilst not having to keep repeating the scene. Continuety would also be easier to keep with the less re shoots done. However, I think we should have been more aware of the other camera's around us, ensuring that we do not capture them in the shot. The outdoor scenes went well, especially as they progressed, as the actors were able to gain confidence in preparation for the greater scenes which will need more emotion, such as, the moments of agrivation within the relationship. The ordering of the shoot was very practical as the solemn scenes are more important, as they are the true soul need to reflect of the song.

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