Monday 10 January 2011

Narrative brainstorm

The main narrative will surround a couple struggling in their relationship and ultimately facing a break up. I have started develop our ideas for scenes.

- Split screen:
We will have the couple on the phone, and edit it so the audience can see them both in their allocated rooms. We thought this would be effective as it reflects the high emotions and frustration which they both feel. It will demonstrate the gender divide between the two, showing the different way in which they deal with the frustration and strain of the relationship. The female possibly shown as getting emotional and solemn, where as the male may be more aggressive, showing much more anger towards the situation. The location for this scene, in my opinion, should be in their bedrooms, as that is the place which one is able to be themselves and let themselves go, and at the height of their emotion, this is likely to be the place in which they seek.

- The 'leaving' scene
We liked the idea of have one, preferably the male, drive away from their partner to symbolise the end to their relationship. This could possibly play on stereo types which are very popular in the media, where by the male is seen as detached, leaving the female who may be seen as a lot weaker. I think this could possibly be located outside of someone's home, where there may be a long strip of road, to emphasis the journey in which he has left.

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