Thursday 13 January 2011

New stage design

The new stage design will have the same order set up for the band. Being based in a derelict building, I have an image of the band being surrounded by space, therefore, they are the focus point. It could be a good representation of the decaying relationship shown in the narrative. I do not think it is necessary to create a particular background/backdrop, and believe it more effective to simply use the natural derelict setting. The audience needs to understand the significance of the location, and by using a backdrop, this message may be lost.

Although the setting is very important and symbolic, it is equally important that we make sure that the band stands out. Lighting will be essential in ensuring that the band is the main focus. New up and coming bands need to a lot of the focus in the video in order to convey their the image of each individual member, as well as the band as a whole. For this reason, it is important to experiment with different lighting in order to both set the mood and highlight the band.

One idea I thought of was the use of the key light.  The key light will be will be highly important as it has the most influence on the look of the scene. It also has a lot of power, which will be needed in order to make the band stand out from the background.When there is a close up on each member, their expression needs to be highlighted and help the audience to understand more about that individual. It is just as important for the band to be shown as memorable when seen all together, to represent their closeness and the bond that they share, which is an important aspect in drawing in their audience.  

I also like the idea of creating a slightly different effect using the lighting, I would like to create a moonlight effect with the light. We can do this using a soft light with blue gel, lower exposure and add a filter. I believe this lighting scheme could work well for our production as it would set the mood. The video surrounds a break down in a relationship, therefore, it is important that the performance can be reflective of the emotions felt throughout. In this way, a slightly darker tone for the lighting may work very well. 

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