Sunday 23 January 2011

Problems we faced

The night before we started filming (Friday 21) Sarah realised that we had the wrong charger for one of the the camera's. As a result, we only had an hour and a half where by we could film. It was too late to go into school and collect the correct charger, therefore, we decided to use the two which were fully charged for the main filming, and the one which had little battery would be used for filming behind the scenes. Lucy friend also had a camera which we could use to film if necessary. I feel we handled it well using good communication skills and reacting quickly and thoughtfully to the issue at hand. In the future, we need to check all our equipment well in advance, and even if you are not the group member with the camera's and neccesary equipment, you still need to make sure that everything is in order ready for the shoot, and if not, have the ablity to tacticle the issues before it effects the shoot.

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